Employing Company Induction (ECI) Project Concludes After 28,000 On-Line Inductions
June 2011
The Employing Company Induction (ECI) on-line training course concluded on the 1st June 2011. This course has provided an on-line induction training programme for over 28,000 workers and over 900 registered companies for the UK offshore industry.
Global Web Limited has been involved with developing, hosting and day-to-day operation of the on-line version of the course.
This course was Initially converted from the original CD-ROM version and in later under went two separate major upgrades as new content and functionality was added.
Global Web Limited is pleased to have been associated with this project and its major contribution to offshore safety for workers traveling offshore to UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).
Recent course feedback included:
"Very interesting, I feel as I have learned a few more things to do with health and safety offshore."
"I found the online course very useful and gives a good understanding to the offshore environment."
"Good course for beginners and even novices capturing key learnings with regards to safety."